July 25 2013
Forlorn Chambers is real gem we proudly discovered in the chasms of Extreme Metal Underground. With their demo they willingly draw form Death and Black Metal legacy and splendidly spice up their art with something that is unique, transcendental and their own. You can, indeed, seek for comparisons with older bands, but these bits were never glued in manner Forlorn Chambers performs. This is the North.
Sense it for yourself and see the genius: https://soundcloud.com/forlornchambers/
3 song demo, 14 minutes now available on tape!
June 24 2013
Right after mid summer solstice, as the sun is now slowly turning its effigy towards darkness, it's a perfect moment for Doom to spread all over god forsaken Earth. Get enchanted by sounds of the End, as Temple of Void lays are praising the world downfall. This shall bring thee heavy as Hell Metal with Cethedral trace on Doom hand and Bolt Thrower/Grave on Death one.
3 song demo, 22 minutes now available on tape in a distro near you!
Get this very tape and bleed yourself to death (razor blade not included).
dis-May 22 2013
After a morbid hiatus Till You Fukkin Bleed returns with spreading Bad News over this ceasing earth. Next sikkness are 3 verses from Temple of Void making their debut demo to be out on tape within a moon. Expect low paced Metal of Death with strong Grave and Bolt Thrower traces as well as My Dying Bride scent.
Check it here:
Detroit Doom City!
Marsh 26 2013
Huge load of Putrid Cult tape releases added to distro:
Get these gems at bleed.storenvy.com and die later.
Marsh 8 2013
Out now:
Moonshine "...Among Centuries (Thy Will be Done)" tape
6 tracks/26 minutes of Death/Doom Metal worshipping Ancient Masters. Think of old Paradise Lost, very old Anathema, Autopsy, Hypocrisy, Edge of Sanity.
Featuring Hrizg, Eldereon, Crystal Moors, Briargh members.
Go get your copy at bleed.storenvy.com or die later.
Febituary 18 2013
Tshirts are ready and available:
For your disconvenience I set up web store, so go there if you feel like want put order bad:
Febituary 1 2013
With delay huuuge as hell, but there is next sikkness from Till You Fukkin Bleed, namely "Cryptborn Creation" tape from Finland's Saattoväki. 7 tracks/20 minutes of primal Death/Grind flavoured with morbid stench of early Finnish scene all over it (rememeber Demilich, Disgrace, Lubricant?)
Available on tape for 12PLN/4EUR/5USD + postage
See sample somewhere below as well as another clip over there:
We are also taking preorders for tshirt with artwork design - see pic below:
Black "Froot ov the Gloom" TS with white screen printing. For those who preorder TS will be available for 10eur/14usd including postage everywhere in the world. Can be also ordered in bundle with tape for a total of 12eur/17usd. For registered postage add 1,25eur/2usd, for priority postage add 0,75eur/1usd (to avoid waiting some 3 months for pack to get over there in Aborigenia). 60 copies shall be printed within 2-3 weeks.
To reserve one - e-mail me at tillyoufukkinbleed@wp.pl with thy name, korpse size (S,M,L,XL,XXL) and dying location.
A Polacy mają jeszcze lepiej: koszulka za 30pln z przesyłką, a kasetą za 36pln.
Dismember 29 2012
See teaser for the upcomming Saattovaki "Cryptborn Creation" tape:
October 02 2012
It looks like last infestation form Till You Fukkin Bleed before end of the world will be tape from Finnish newcomers Saattovaki - a fine mix of ancient, Suomi's swamps originated Death/Grind (remembed Disgrace, Lubricant und stuff?) with mid/new Entombed era. Aggressive negotiations are proceeding. Check em out:
To pump up self ego during this depressive autumn - I was considered significant Merchant of Death und interviewed by Adrian of Pest Zine, see for thy self:
Dhwesha demo tape out now on Till You Fukkin Bleed.
April 13 2012 (friday)
Proper date for an important anouncment:
March 29 2012
New tune from mighty Eldereon - "The Unsacred Codex":
March 16 2012
March 12 2012
Advert as it is to be put on one of mags:
February 18 2012
Distro update - MC, 7"ep und load of CDs:
APOSTATE "Trapped in a Sleep" CD
DISCREATE "Contingent Development of Inanimate Modifications" CDep
"Humo, Cenizas y Muerte (Smoke, Ashes and Death)" CD
YSENGRIN "Tragedies - Liber Hermetis" CD
BLACK OATH / ANGUISH "Funeral Wedding / The Veil" 7"EP
DEMONIC RAGE "The Occult Formula to Desecrate Souls" Tape
February 01 2012
Distro update - 2 Brutal Death exhausts from Portugal:
UNDERSAVE "After the Domestication Comes the Manipulation"
FUNGUS "Extermination Dantesque"
January 20 2012
Expect three tracks of Brasilian Death/Thrash inferno + Hellhammer cover.
See release cover below:
Dismember 29 2011
Dismember 27 2011
Two new South America Inferno assaults available on tapes:
Cauterization "Males Infestus"
Escarnium "Rex Verminorum"
See Assaults section for details.
Dismember 9 2011
Just about to go to pressing plant! Sława! I chwała!
October 26 2011
Godagainst "Supreme Khalkulus Of Tribulation" sleeve CD
Trimegisto "Awake From The Blood" sleeve CD
Asterion "Zerzura" digi CD
Under the Flesh "The Theory of Chaos" sleeve CD
Unblessed "Man Has Killed God" inverted cross shaped digi
Plague Warhead "Whores of Lucifer" digi mCD 2011 Godeater
October 24 2011
OMISSION "In the Shadow of the Cross" CD
WARFIRLD "Trivmvirat" mCD
October 20 2011
Out next:
Escarnium "Rex Verminorum" tape.
October 19 2011
Distro updates:
WRATH and RUIN "Mouth of Oblivion" digi CD (imagine Meshuggah playing Death Metal)
October 15 2011
Distro updates:
ESCARNIUM "Rex Verminorum" CD
POENARI "Rule of The Damned" CD
DEMONIC SLAUGHTER "Revelations of Death" CD
still available:
DECAYING "Devastaste" CD
Piece of Eastern Hell from Evil Dead recs:
CROWN OV HORNS "Infernvs Dominatvs" mCD
MANTAK "Diabolical Psycholust" CD
BESTIAL HORDES "Nuclear Metal Lust" mCD
October 14 2011
Some new shit in distro:
digi mcd
Medieval Pervert Death Metal
CAUTERIZATION (Bra) "Males Infernus"
pro printed cdr ep
South America Inferno
BLACK OATH tape + pin + poster
October 1 2011
Svensk Döds Metall vs Norsk Svart Metall
July 01 2011
Get this for 12PLN/4EUR/6USD (ground mail included).
June 22 2011
Sweden above all forever! (early ninetees, no need to mention)
June 18 2011
Check apetizer for Malfeitor demo tape und make pre-order!
June 16 2011
May 19 2011

The next sickness Till You Fukkin Bleed will infest the world will be tape from Sweddish Death Metal veterans Malfeitor (established 1990). The release will be titled "To Hell, Farewell", feature 6 tracks, limited to 66 copies only (free copy goes to the first mortal to solve this subliminal message), and is apetizer for the 2012 upcoming debut full lenght. Pre-orders are accepted from now on.
Hell unleashes on July 1st 2011. Stay tuned!
April 28 2011
Tape version of Eldereon "Blood of the Dying" is out. It contains same track list as CD version, except bonus, which is "Syntax of grief" in this case. Pro printed insert card - full color front, lirycs printed, stickers on cassette. 66 copies made only, near 20 already preordered/reserved, grab one of rest, before its too late. Extra button for those who act fast still applies!
April 25 2011
Promo video for Eldereon "Blood of the Dying":
April 17 2011
Easter draws near!
Sunday afternoon sight from my countryside ...
March 31 2011
Eldereon "Blood of the Dying" finally out. See cover and flyer for the release below ..
March 12 2011
Eldereon "Blood of the Dying"discs just arrived from pressing plant. Next week I expect to get covers from printing company.
March 2 2011
Next assault from Till You Fukkin Bleed is on its way and it shall be Eldereon "Blood of the Dying"
- debut full lenght from this Spanish band. This shall drag you through near 40 minutes / 9 anthems of Death Black Metal with touch from such masters as Immolation, Dissection, Hypocrisy, Nocturnus, Phlebotomized und additionally flavoured with Doom Metal parts.
"Blood of the Dying" is first TYFB assault that will be launched in 2 formats:
- CD (jewel case, full color 3 panel booklet with lirycs)
- tape (full color insert card with lirycs, sticker on cassette)
Each format shall have different bonus track.
Zines, radios - get in touch for promo copy.
Distros - mail me for for trades und wholesales rates.
Day of Wrath: March 18 2011
January 21 2011
Finally out:
Monument of Bones "Cemetery Dirges"
Dismember 02 2010
Monument of Bones stuff sent for printing.
See flyer of the release:
November 18 2010
Out soon:
Monument of Bones "Cemetary Dirge"
will be next tape release by mighty Till You Fukkin Bleed.
Get prepared for being possessed by this satanik, horror worshiping Death Metal.
Stay tuned for more.
August 28 2010
"Celebrating the World of Decadence" is the title of Escarnium/Inside Hatred split, that is available from now on! Pro printed color cover tape, stickers on casette (see picture above).55 minutes of metal da morte from the deepest basements of inferno!!!
First 33 orders comes with 3 stickers.
Write for trades und everything!
August 13 2010 (friday)
This date cannot bring anything good at all! Here come details on highly anticipated Till You Fukkin Bleed new storm! It is again split from two metal da morte Brasilian commandos:
Escarnium - with 4 tracks from their demo "Covered in decadence" + 2 live cover from two Sweddish Acts!!!
Inside Hatred - with their "The Degenerated World of The Holy Decadents" + bonus Incantation cover
Shall be launched within days on tape with pro printed cover. Get ready to have your soul burned in infernal tunes!!!
June 4 2010
Exterminatorium/Necrobscure split finally available!

First 33 orders come with bonus 3 stickers. See flyer below for deathails!
May 23 2010
Two releases are on their way.
First of them is split tape from Exterminatorium und Necrobscure, to be launched within days, see flyer below. More details to come ...
Second one shall be anounced soon, stay tuned.